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Case Study Topics
A few case study topics shared by program participants
“Being a perfectionist helped me excel earlier in life. But at work I am sometimes accused of being a control freak. In all honesty, I feel like I don't trust my team enough to delegate key activities."
“Law school trained me how to identify and avoid risks. But as I gain leadership responsibility at my firm, I need to start taking more risks...even if they make me feel uncomfortable."
“There is no doubt I have a fear of failure. Sometimes it is motivating, but now it feels like the drive to succeed at all costs is causing emotional instability and achievement trauma."
“When I get home, it is hard for me to decompress or stop thinking about work. To be honest, I haven’t had a good night sleep in weeks.”
“I have worked hard for many years, and it is finally time to take the next big step to partner. But now I feel promotion related anxiety, self doubt, and even imposter syndrome."
"At times I feel like my personal identity goes beyond being a ‘workaholic’ to feeling totally lost. I have heard of a phenomenon called work 'enmeshment' but didn’t think it would impact me personally."
“I love the way our office celebrates big wins. But I'm not much of an alcohol drinker and certainly don't do drugs. But I want to fit in.”
“I have a mental health challenge that sometimes impacts my work performance. I often asked myself, 'should I speak up, or just keep grinding away?'
"Sometimes I need to make tough decisions in ethical gray zones - with no clear right or wrong answer. It causes stress that doesn't easily go away."
“My personal coach told me that I have a problem with frustration tolerance. I would like some honest feedback and see how others view me in a group setting."
“I was delighted our company was bought by a prestigious private equity firm. But now there is constant pressure to hit higher performance targets, which can be emotionally exhausting.”
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